Jacob Bredahl Phone +45 2253 7166 E-mail: jacob@deadratstudio.com
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"I still did not collected everything I did through the years. Some day it will happen."

But some people had nice things to say.
And you can check out the DeadRat Player.


Text message after mixing the new Japanische Kampfhörspiele album, from Bony Fertigmensch:
Played the JAKA album to a diehard fan. He said:
“Finally the band sounds like it should on a record.”
He liked it so much he now worries this is our last album ever.

“Bredahls new studio is amazing. Totally professional, comfortable and great to work in. As a producer we give Bredahl a swinging endorsement. He is committed, hardworking and has a great sense of the bigger picture. Working with him was often a total pain in the assJ, because he is never satisfied. But that just pushes you to perform better, sound better and, in the end, make a better record than you ever thought possible.
If only all producers cared so much about the bands that entered their studio, music today would sound a lot better.”
Mikkel – Dødning

Vi har indspillet 2 albums og en ep med Jacob som producer.
Vi valgte at bruge Jacob, da han formår at få en "to the max" lyd ud af vores tremands band.
Samtidig er han fantastisk at arbejde med da han kommer med kritiske spørgsmål undervejs og kommer med mange konstruktive ideer.
Det er et samarbejde som har løftet vores sound op på et højt niveau og gjort vores psychobilly lyd nutidig.
Thumbs up!!!!!!!!!!!
Thomas Meyer – Johnny Nightmare

Having worked with a shit load of producers on around 10 albums, I
have never experienced a better understanding of what we wanted to
express than with Jacob. And more importantly, he had the skills to
make it happen and to guide us in the right direction.
A. Tvedebrink

“Jacob Bredahl gives your music the brutality it needs and deserves.
Working with him is truly a pleasure.”
Tommy, Purified in Blood

“On top of being a great guy, Jacob has a great ear and a keen sense for details”
“We\'ve used Jacob on several occasions and he never disapoints with his clear, massive and in-you-face sound”
“This guy knows his stuff inside out and years of experience both on stage and behind the knobs has taught him to do wonders with his sound”
“There\'s no better premiss for succes than being in an relaxed and friendly atmosphere when being creative, this combined with a professional attitude from Jacob is the blueprint for oustanding results”
Lars Bjørn-Hansen (Koldborn)

Vi tog vores rå spor med ud til Jacob for mixing og mastering. Det man bruger sin tid på med Jacob er ikke at få en fed lyd som sådan, for det tager ikke ret lang tid derude. Det virker som om Jacob har en "metal-knap", og når først der er trykket er man 80% i mål og kan bruge sin tid på at finpudse nuancer. Musikalsk var det også en god oplevelse.. Jacob har en mere organisk tilgang til produktion end mange andre i metalgenren, og resultatet bliver mere energisk. Vi ville ikke tøve med at tage derud igen.
Troels – All Tray For Venoms

Recording Midnight Tornado with Jacob was definately a cool experience, I wasnt uncomfortable when I screwed up a take, we would just laugh and try again and again and again. If something didnt sounded good, he was good at finding another approach to make it work.
Because he was so easy to work with made it an easy decision to go back and record Meet Your Maker with him turning the knobs.
Gun – As We Fight

On our "Pass The Budd EP" we had Jacob Bredahl as our producer.
We chose Jacob because he is a good friend whom we have worked with before, and because, he is one of the best producers in Denmark, when it comes to metal.
He has a very laid back style, but at the same time, he is very well disciplined, and not afraid to tell us when we are playing like crap.
He has a good ear for when something is missing in a certain section, and isn´t afraid to try new stuff while recording.
Another advantage with working with Jacob is, that he knows so many people in the business, and is good at spotting who can help who.

Vi har arbejdet med Jacob på vores to sidste plader og har fra dag et
følt os hjemme i hans studie og med ham bag knapperne. Han har har
gode øre og god humor, men formår også at skære igennem når der er
brug for det. Det kræves at man kan spille sine ting, så det er ikke
Jacob man skal vælge hvis man er til moderne klippe-klistre
indspilning. Hvis man derimod er lidt mere oldschool og samtidig tør
lade en udefrakommende blande sig i ens musik, så er man havnet det
helt rigtige sted. Vi har i hvert fald oplevet at de sange vi kom med
er blevet bedre af at være en sidste tur igennem en omgang konstruktiv
Thomas Bredahl – Gobsquad

Jacob har mixet og mastered vores album, og han kan sgu sit kram. Han er hurtig til at svare os og reagerer hurtigt på vores respons. Han kommer med en masse god kritik, som man kan bruge til noget. Generelt lyder alt det, vi får tilbage fra ham fantastisk. Han er måske den bedste i hele verden, og selvfølgelig gav vi ham lov til at lægge gæstevokal på vores album, da han spurgte.
Troels og Mighty Midgets

“Jeg har været med til at indspille 2-3 plader plus det løse hos Hr. Bredahl og det lydmæssige aspekt på pladerne er altid blevet pisse fedt. Jeg ville vælge ham som styrmand bag knapperne til hver en tid.”
“J har rigtig gode ører, mange fede ideer og er altid garant for en god og hyggelig stemning og en afslappet atmosfære, som er essentielt når man skal præstere – selv på en halv-sløj dag hiver han det bedste frem i én.“

“Our experience with the Smart N Hard Studio has been both pleasant and productive. Jacob managed to capture the authentic sound that we were looking for, and he was furthermore a creative force in the recording process.“
Søren – As We Fight